Makeup Musings: completing a bottle of nail Polish, as well as When little Acts of like Are the huge Gestures

So, I recognize that in the grand plan of things, completing a bottle of nail polish is completely not a huge offer compared to, say, providing a infant on a plane, or combating oppression with acts of civil disobedience!

Buuuuuuuut, if you’re a charm enthusiast like I am, I believe you’ll completely get this. See this bottle of mint eco-friendly polish by Olive & June? I’ve completed practically a quarter of it, as well as I’m thrilled by the prospect of possibly even completing — gasp! — half of it soon. Or, possibly the whole thing.



You guys, I can’t even keep in mind the last time I completed a bottle of nail polish down to the last drop. I’m relatively sure it was decades ago.

This may have something to finish with me getting rid of all of the old-@ss polishes that were gathering dust in my office for actually YEARS. I just recently chose to only keep colors that I really love, as well as even though I have far fewer bottles of nail polish now, choosing what to wear on my nails is so much simpler than before.


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$ 42.

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I completely recognize that I noise like a damaged record there, however it’s been so liberating.

FYI, this is KMC with a slice of yellow watermelon! I purchased a small yellow watermelon from Trader Joe’s yesterday, as well as yes, I already completed many of it by myself, in one day, since it’s been the only good watermelon I’ve gotten this year.

Every single red watermelon I’ve brought house in 2021 was either mealy, flavorless or otherwise inedible as well as gross! I’ve tried all of my “watermelon whisperer” techniques to pick them, too, like searching for the ones with the darkest yellow spot, comparing them by weight, knocking on the outsides to hear a hollow sound, however I’ve still yet to discover a halfway good red watermelon this year.

How’s your luck been with watermelon this year? Inquiring minds want to know…

Anyway, the watermelon was part of a picnic lunch that Connor “hosted” in our circle with her good friends in the neighborhood. She’s with me this week since it’s the break between institution as well as summertime camp, as well as over the weekend she made a listing of things she wished to do while away at “mama camp.” one of the things was having a picnic outdoors with her buddies.

Guess what I figured out yesterday? If you have to feed kids at a picnic — they don’t requirement much food! I put together a whole spread for the kids, however all they ate were slices of watermelon, homemade guacamole as well as tortilla chips. *shrugs*

I wished to take a photo of the guacamole, however the youngsters ate everything before I might get a shot. For the guac, I left out any type of strong spices, so no garlic or onion powder, as well as only utilized smashed avocado, a bit bit of lime (lemon will work in a pinch) as well as some salt. That was it.

So, yeah, the next time you have to feed some bit ones outdoors, keep in mind this *very gourmet* food combination, LOL! It’s a winner.

Oh, I practically forgot, however the youngsters likewise ate the homemade chocolate chip cookies Connor as well as I made the day before. I whipped up a batch of cookies to give my high institution friends, Jen as well as Cindy, who I satisfied for lunch at a sushi restaurant in Sausalito for a belated birthday fete.

I hadn’t seen them both in well over a year!

As a side, I like to get Connor up in the mix whenever I do things like compose cards or make cookies for my good friends since I believe it’s essential for her to discover about the significance of little gestures. I want her to understand that this is what taking care of your people looks like…doing the seemingly little things. I want her to understand that there are numerous methods to state “I like you,” as well as in some cases the smallest gestures are extremely meaningful.

One of those “seemingly little however big” acts occurred at the restaurant with Jen as well as Cindy. We were sitting at the table catching up, as well as when it was time to order, I had no concept what to choose. Ya know, you’d believe that ordering a couple of California rolls wouldn’t be so damn hard, however it’s been so long because I’ve seen them (they’re like the sisters I always wanted), as well as I’ve been having to hold it together for everybody else around me of what feels like THE longest YEAR EVER, as well as I just didn’t have it in me 1) to keep my guard up anymore, as well as 2) purchase food.

Because she understands me, Cindy saw that I was having a hard time as well as said, “Don’t concern about ordering. I got you, girl.” She then grabbed my menu, rattled off a meal for our table (she’s the bossy one, LOL!), as well as took care of it.

I don’t keep in mind the last time I got to really unwind durun pasto fuori dalla casa. Voglio dire, sì, connor e El hub e mangio nei ristoranti ogni quando di volta in un po ‘, così come anche se è una pausa per me dal momento che non devo cucinare, sono ancora ” dovere.” Sto osservando Connor e assistendo la sua mente i suoi modi, monitorando ciò che esce al nostro tavolo da allergia al glutine di El Hub, cose del genere. Oltre a essere sempre sicuro che le altre persone siano impostate prima di mangiare. Sono lieto di fare tutto, ovviamente, tuttavia quando mangiamo fuori, non sono mai realmente rilassato. Sono mamm e mamma così come la moglie, oltre a fare tutte le cose che le persone intorno a me molto probabilmente non si accorgono nemmeno.

Ma la scorsa domenica, quando stavo avendo sushi con i miei amici, tutto quello che ho fatto è seduto lì. Era glorioso. Avere un buon amico Acquisto per me (e per lei per farlo senza di me dover chiedere) mi ha fatto sentire così cucito così come, così amato.


Sono tutte le cose in bit, giusto? Alla fine, finiscono sempre per essere le cose enormi.

Il tuo amichevole community charm tossicodipendente,


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